Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Perfect Friend by Shannen Wrass

Today I found a friend
who knew everything I felt
she knew my weakness
and the problems I've dealt with.
She understood my wonders
and listened to my dreams,
she listened to how I felt about life and love
and knew what it all means.
Not once did she interrupt me
or tell me I was wrong
she understood what I was going through
and promised she'd stay long.
I reached out to this friend,
to show her that I care
to pull her close and let her know
how much I need her there.
I went to hold her hand
to pull her a bit nearer
and I realized this perfect friend I found
was nothing but a mirror.
~Shannen Wrass

I can't find much about Shannen Wrass on the Internet - not even Wikipedia had information about her. All that I can say is that she's a poet, and had written this poem called The Perfect Friend. I can find many poems by her other than this one, as well.

What I liked about this poem was how it made you think that she was talking about someone else before ending with "I realized this perfect friend I found/ was nothing but a mirror." It's a little surprising 'cause most people would start thinking that she was talking about an actual person but it makes sense as well - a person's best friend, and the only person that can completely understand them at all times, is themself. Not everyone goes through everything you've gone through, and if they had they'd might have different views on what happened. I love my friends, of course, but if I can't be my own friend then that may not be enough in the long run.


  1. Not a very famous poem or poet, I must say...

  2. I'm the author of this poem. I wrote it when I was 14 years old. It was published in Teen Magazine in 1994 and again in a book called "The Girls' Book Of Friendship." By Catherine Dee. I'm very glad you like my poem

  3. Thank you :) Erica: Which other ones did you find? I wrote all my poems when I was 14, 15 & 16. I'm 33 now & seeing "The Perfect Friend" everywhere made me go downstairs & get out all my poems from high school. I'm sending "Time Out To Cry" to the Copyright office this week :)

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  5. Hi Shannen, have you written anything else apart from the 4 poems widely available on the internet? Thanks, Keely
